[Stoves] ***SPAM*** burning wood gas

Daniel Pidgeon daniel.pidgeon at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 16 22:03:56 CDT 2021

I love your work, Kirk!

I quite liked the details I saw in the spec sheet of the three hour TLUD you put out a while back, and am looking forward to putting a few concepts from there into a build, when I can get to finishing it.

Since childhood I have admired the impact a wing shape has on the air around it and been interested in flight, and was intrigued by "the Venturi effect" that you talk about which I had never heard of before reading your work, but it only just struck me today that the two are very connected. Just spitballing as I go, would there be merit to your "bluff body" having a "trailing edge" like a wing does, rather than just a flat top? I have nothing to go on asking this, and no suggestions, just a thought that occurred. I don't know how much harder this would be to make.

From: Stoves <stoves-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org> on behalf of Harris, Kirk <gkharris316 at comcast.net>
Sent: Saturday, 17 July 2021 5:50 AM
To: Discussion of biomass cooking stoves <stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org>
Subject: [Stoves] ***SPAM*** burning wood gas


I have been working on a document on a subject which is quite
fascinating to me.  I thought I would share it with you even though it
is unfinished.  It probably will never be finished as I find that each
idea leads to more ideas.  I might as well share where I am now.  As I
proceed, there will be more drawings and photos of the test stoves and
components.  I hope there will be questions because questions make me
look at things I have not paid attention to before.  Dean Still's
questioning has been very helpful.

I hope you enjoy it,

Kirk H.

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