[Stoves] Help to Purchase an Anagi Stove

Ashok Mathur ashokchand2000 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 3 21:30:57 CDT 2022

Dear AndrewAbout 15 years back I had a look at the area of stoves and gassifiers.. I saw that there were plenty of people working in the field with deep technical knowledge, curiosity and passion to make a difference. I would estimate that there were about 50/ 60 designs that were being vigorously perused. I saw that chances of my adding any value to the field was very marginal and I moved away from the field letting knowledgeable people go on doing what they were good at.The resetting of world energy balance lead me to take a fresh look at the field.My estimate is that the world has not adopted any of the gassifiers in any significant manner such that you could say that 15% of Africa is using any combination of top 3 gassifiers.With a clear aim of correcting that situation, can people in the field share their ideas as to why they have not succeed in getting people to adopt the products which are pretty good technically .RegardsAshok

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On Monday, April 4, 2022, 12:07 AM, ajheggie at gmail.com wrote:

Thanks Robert, Ashok and Patricia they were educational posts and I
hope Malcolm derived some useful information.


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