<DIV>Thanks for disseminating the details. May your tribe grow.</DIV>
<DIV>-C.V.Krishna<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>From: "Paul S. Anderson" <psanders@ilstu.edu><BR>Sent: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 20:58:35 <BR>To: ethos@vrac.iastate.edu, Stoves <stoves@lists.bioenergylists.org><BR>Subject: Re: [Stoves] [Ethos] ETHOS schedule<BR>Dear Mark, Angie and all,<BR><BR>For my presentation Saturday evening (are you calling it Keynote?), <BR>please use this title:<BR><BR>Micro-gasifier Stoves for Meeting the 2020 Goals of the Global <BR>Alliance for Clean Cookstoves<BR><BR>(I assure you that it will have food for thought and discussion and action!!)<BR><BR>And will ETHOS please allow that to be a "public presentation" so that <BR>people who are not registered for the conference can attend? I think <BR>this could assist ETHOS to reach out to others in the community and to <BR>students and faculty of the university that hosts us.<BR><BR>ALSO, could the ETHOS program please make reference to the Friday <BR>MORNING activity being presented by the BEF. The info is below, and <BR>is also found at my website: www.drtlud.com Thanks.<BR><BR>TLUD Workshop Offered Prior to ETHOS Conference<BR><BR>On Friday, 27 January 2012, the Biomass Energy Foundation (BEF) will <BR>be offering a workshop on the technical and practical concepts of its <BR>micro-gasification units. Dr. Paul S. Anderson (aka “Dr TLUD”) will <BR>provide an overview of the science and technology of the Top-Lit <BR>UpDraft (TLUD) stove and its applications in meeting the cooking needs <BR>of local communities around the globe. He will be assisted by Bob <BR>Fairchild, Christa Roth, and Kathy Nafie .<BR><BR>This event is hosted by Hydrovolts, Inc., 210 S Hudson St, #330 <BR>Seattle, WA 98134. Cost is $25 per person, and RSVP can be made by <BR>contacting Kathy Nafie at biomassenergyfndn@yahoo.com by Wednesay, <BR>25 January 2012. Questions can be directed to Kathy Nafie at <BR>303-570-6868 .<BR><BR>**************************<BR>Will see you all in Seattle!!!<BR><BR>Paul<BR>-- <BR>Paul S. Anderson, PhD<BR>Known to some as: Dr. TLUD Doc Professor<BR>Phone (USA): 309-452-7072 SKYPE: paultlud Email: psanders@ilstu.edu<BR>www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/giz2011-en-micro-gasification.pdf (Best ref.)<BR><BR>><BR>> On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 7:19 PM, Bryden, Kenneth [M E] <kmbryden@iastate.edu<BR>>> wrote:<BR>><BR>>> All,<BR>>><BR>>> I'm putting the final touches on the schedule and will have it out to<BR>>> everyone tomorrow. A couple of items<BR>>><BR>>> - if you have time constraints on your talk (e.g., late arrival or early<BR>>> departure) Just let me know and I'll get you scheduled at the right time.<BR>>><BR>>> - Registration will start 4 pm on Friday at the hotel.<BR>>><BR>>> - We'll have the usual slide show on Friday evening at 7 pm at the hotel.<BR>>> Bring your slides, we want to see where you've been and what you are doing!<BR>>><BR>>> - There will be no meal provided on Friday evening - this is different<BR>>> than other years. However feel free to bring food back to our room at the<BR>>> hotel or call for delivery, etc.<BR>>><BR>>> Thanks and see you there!<BR>>> Mark<BR>>> _______________________________________________<BR>>> Ethos mailing list<BR>>> <A onclick="top.ajaxMail.ext.switchTo('@Compose','mode=mail_to_individual&email=Ethos@vrac.iastate.edu');" href="javascript:void(0);">Ethos@vrac.iastate.edu</A><BR>>> http://cannon-mail.vrac.iastate.edu/mailman/listinfo/ethos<BR>>><BR>><BR><BR><BR>----------------------------------------------------------------<BR>This message was sent using Illinois State University RedbirdMail<BR><BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Stoves mailing list<BR><BR>to Send a Message to the list, use the email address<BR><A onclick="top.ajaxMail.ext.switchTo('@Compose','mode=mail_to_individual&email=stoves@lists.bioenergylists.org');" href="javascript:void(0);">stoves@lists.bioenergylists.org</A><BR><BR>to UNSUBSCRIBE or Change your List Settings use the web page<BR>http://lists.bioenergylists.org/mailman/listinfo/stoves_lists.bioenergylists.org<BR><BR>for more Biomass Cooking Stoves, News and Information see our web site:<BR>http://www.bioenergylists.org/<BR><BR></DIV><br><A HREF="http://sigads.rediff.com/RealMedia/ads/click_nx.ads/www.rediffmail.com/signatureline.htm@Middle?" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="http://sigads.rediff.com/RealMedia/ads/adstream_nx.ads/www.rediffmail.com/signatureline.htm@Middle"></A><br><table width="578" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><span style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#393939;">Follow <span style="color:#0000CC;"><b><u><a href="http://track.rediff.com/click?url=___http://dealhojaye.rediff.com?sc_cid=rediffmailsignature___&cmp=signature&lnk=rediffmailsignature&newservice=deals" target="_blank">Rediff Deal ho jaye!</a></u></b></span> to get exciting offers in your city everyday.</span></td></tr></table>