[Digestion] Continuing the Digestion Conversation

Erin Rasmussen erin at trmiles.com
Tue Feb 25 13:21:27 CST 2014

Hello Digestion List, 

My name is Erin Rasmussen and I've been mostly in the background, keeping
track of the technical bits of the digestion email list for the past few
years.  It looks like Paul Harris's  University Email address may not be
working correctly right now so if any of you need any help with the list,
please email me erin at trmiles.com or Tom Miles tmiles at trmiles.com. 


Tom Miles and I host the technical bits of the mailing lists on servers here
in the USA.  It is intended to be a technical discussion of digestions, with
advice for people putting them into the field.  Paul Harris has been
fantastic over the years as a resource and moderator of the conversation,
but since his email is not working, I'd like to recruit a volunteer to keep
an eye on the list.  Since this is a non-commercial conversation about
digestors the biggest task is simply reminding people that it's
non-commercial and also keeping clearing up spam before it gets to the list.
(I'm working on some additional tools to help with that).  Additionally, we
prefer someone with some technical experience, that could be friendly to
newcomers, and help guide people to good resources and reference material.  


Thank you to everyone that has participated in this conversation over the
years, this really has developed into an outstanding resource and that is
really a reflection of all of your hard work and participation. 


Erin Rasmussen

erin at trmiles.com 

Bio Energy Discussion Lists

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