[Gasification] Reanimation of biogas production from biogas depleted manure

phillip manske pdmanske at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 20:47:23 CST 2011

In an effort to construct the syngas - methanation route, I formed a
thesis that manure, being as perfect as a methane microbe reactor can
that nature can build , can be reanimated and managed to produce more
biogas once the naturally occurring reactants are exhausted.

I put four bottles of manure in a thermophile water bath.  One bottle
was kept as a control and the had CO2 water, white vinegar and a
mixture thereof.  These configurations produced different results. The
acetate sterilized the methanogens, the CO2 water addition produced
feeble biogas and the mixture also produced less than the control
bottle.  The bottles were left for three weeks to ferment.  After
that, they were left at room temperature for a week and then reheated
in the water bath.  The mixture bottle produced vigorously, perhaps at
several times the usual production rate.     I can't if the gas is
CO2, biogas or CH4 but if its biogas, the finding is significant.


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