[Gasification] mycoremediation of tarry water

Tom Miles tmiles at trmiles.com
Fri Feb 1 18:34:46 CST 2013


>One further question, If the tars stay in  biochar from low temp BM
pyrolysis, and the soil bacteria/myccorhizal fungi >deal with them, (are
even beneficial I thought), why is the tarry water from a gasifier scrubber
such an environmental >hazard?



The concentration overwhelms the ability of the soil to filter them. We have
former biomass gasifier sites that have been legally "superfund sites" or
toxic waste sites and were cleaned up. There are also many studies of former
gasifiers and brick kilns in developed and developing countries where the
toxic soup still exists. In Myanmar last year the president announced that
water toxicity from biomass gasifier scrubbers had become a significant
health problem in Myanmar an so he decreed that the countries engineers
would have to deal with it. These are very low cost knockoffs of the Chinese
and Indian gasifiers. Running the scrubber water into a pond is not a





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