[Greenbuilding] No Fracking Way?

Corwyn corwyn at midcoast.com
Thu Apr 21 08:57:33 CDT 2011

On 4/18/2011 3:15 PM, Frank Cetera wrote:

> Implementing an urban home retrofit using only electrical powered
> systems, with the potential of becoming an off-grid site in the future
> through reduced energy consumption and on-site generation (with purchase
> of alternative sources in the short-term), in order to relieve our
> dependence on natural gas as a fuel source due to its potential for high
> environmental damage.  (This would not be a super-insulated passivhaus
> sort of design and would rely on natural materials as much as possible
> for air sealing, insulation, and built additions/restorations)

What advantages do you see in going off-grid in an urban environment? 
Unless your utility gives you a really horrible deal on your produced 
electricity, it is better for you, and everyone else for you to just go 

Reduction of energy use should always be your first objective.  If you 
are unsure about what each change will do for you in energy terms, I 
recommend you get a competent energy audit.  Then adjust their 
recommendations by what you are actually going to be paying for your 
energy.  This should give you a good idea about what will be most 
beneficial for you.  Don't start with the idea that you aren't going to 
do Passivhaus standard; start with the numbers and see where they lead.

Natural material air sealing is tough.  Sadly, you may have to relax 
that a bit.  If not, let s know what you did!

Thank You Kindly,


Topher Belknap
Green Fret Consulting
Kermit didn't know the half of it...
topher at greenfret.com
(207) 882-7652

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