[Greenbuilding] Residing a home in Minnesota

John Salmen terrain at shaw.ca
Mon Mar 12 15:04:55 CDT 2018


First thing is figure out why the original siding is rotted and fix that
(leaks, ground splashback, exposure, etc).

Btwn 4 and 5 should be a rainscreen of some sort

If a rainscreen is installed then fiberboard might be acceptable
(condensation issues with metal siding could cause some issues with the
rainscreen contact area)


From: Greenbuilding [mailto:greenbuilding-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org]
On Behalf Of Tom & Deb Wiprud
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 12:55 PM
To: greenbuilding at lists.bioenergylists.org
Subject: [Greenbuilding] Residing a home in Minnesota


I have a question for this group.   I am purchasing a 1982 rambler with 2x6
walls and a walk out basement.  The siding on there now is Masonite colorloc
fiberboard siding.  It is original siding with no maintenance done to it,
and has rot and needs to be replaced.  I plan on using Edco steel siding. I
will have a contractor do the residing, but I want to be sure it is done
right, not the way the contractor has always done it.

     My question is what is the proper way to proceed with this project?
Could someone tell me what should I look for and how to make sure it is done
correctly.  Here is how it is made, from the inside to the outside..

          1. sheetrock

          2. vapor barrier

          3. fiberglass batt insulation

          4. fiberboard or plywood (not sure yet)

          5, colorloc siding

  Should any more insulation be installed or a house wrap installed?  Any
other ideas that I missed to make it a little more energy efficient?
Thanks  Tom

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