[Digestion] Start of Latin America Biogas Network Week

Alexander Eaton alex at sistemabiobolsa.com
Mon May 23 07:39:12 CDT 2011

Hi All,

We are getting ready to start a week of exchange and discussion here
in Mexico with more than 15 countries present.  We will have a focus
on the development of the technologia for small to medium farms, but
with the inclusions of research and experiences of all types and sizes
of digesters.  A big part of the conference will be  coordinating
research between the diverse group that is here.  We would love to
have input from the rest of the group on what types of
interdicipliniary research question people are interested in having
passed around over the week.  We look forward to sharing this
information from the redbiolac.org website in the future.



Sent from my mobile device

Alexander Eaton
Sistema Biobolsa

Mex cel: (55) 11522786
US cel: 970 275 4505

alex at irrimexico.org
alex at sistemabiobolsa.com

www.redbiolac.org <http://www.irrimexico.org>

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