[Gasification] Pyrolysis and solar-grade silicon from rice hulls !

praufast at free.fr praufast at free.fr
Fri Feb 4 00:06:10 CST 2011

Hello, this is a breakthrough :

"In its latest development, Thermal Technology combined the process of carbothermic reduction with biomass pyrolysis technology to convert rice hulls to solar-grade Silicon. “Using the combination of pyrolysis and carbothermic reduction it is possible to make material with sufficient purity for the solar application,” says Mede. “The pyrolysis makes the perfect blend of SiO2 and C suitable for the reduction process, with a morphology that facilities cleaning to remove tramp elements. “ This new process has lower production and entry costs than current methodologies.

Over 95 percent of domestic solar grade silicon (SG-Si) is produced using the Siemens process which consumes up to 200 kWh/kg of SG Si. Contrasting, when carbothermic reduction is combined with energy producing pyrolysis, the energy requirement drops to 50 kWh/kg of SG Si. Thermal Technology’s new method of creating SG Si consumes four times less energy, reducing CO2 production as a result, and eliminates the methane produced when rice hulls are plowed into fields or taken to landfills.

Thermal Technology designs and manufactures crystal growing systems and high temperature vacuum and controlled atmosphere laboratory and production furnaces for the advanced processing of metals, ceramics, glass, quartz and crystal growing applications. Thermal Technology has over 60 years of experience and more than 3000 installations in 40 countries. (Courtesy: Businesswire) "

Higher value products is the key...


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