[Gasification] Enventix: Syngas and Biochar from Waste

Tom Miles tmiles at trmiles.com
Mon Jan 17 10:38:11 CST 2011



Since we maintain the website and list at our expense we do not post
comprehensive bibliographies and links. We usually post information that is
relevant to the discussions. 


Most of the synthesis gas development occurs in publicly funded research. It
is usually reported at major thermochemical conferences so we post links to
these. Examples are TC2009, TC2010 in the US, IEA Tasks 32, 33, 42, European
Bioenergy conferences, etc. Professional societies are also good sources.
Much syngas research is published by the American Chemical Society, AICHE,
IEEE and others. This information is usually available through academic
databases and services like Science Direct. 


Of course we always enjoy seeing the every good work from Brazil. 


Kind regards,


Tom Miles


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