[Gasification] DIY GtL

Arnt Karlsen arnt at c2i.net
Sun Jan 30 16:55:06 CST 2011

On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 19:39:42 +0100, Rolf wrote in message 
<201101301939.42112.energiesnaturals at gmx.de>:

> Hallo Brian, Doug and list,
> this looks amazing ! The filtering seems to be very good.
> You and Doug seem to have experience with stocking producer gas.
> May I ask you some questions ?
> We have 5 separate houses/cabins on our land , all of them with solar
> and individual wood and /or almond shell burning fireplaces .
> All of them are hidronic underfloor systems with hot sanitary water
> tanks .
> The distances between  these houses make a central water heat
> distribution system rather inviable.
> We are off grid 

..ah.  Connecting, you could make money feeding the grid.

> and run electricitywise on solar, wind and micro
> hydro. There is a backup generator slow speed diesel running on WVO.
> My idea is to connect all houses to a single gassifier of around 40
> -50 kW gas output and store a few hours gas in a gasometer and have
> the gassy start and stop and run at close to full output as the
> gasometer level demands so as to give it " an easy life " tarwise.

..another way is keep it running and feed the excess gas 
as power to the grid for profits.

> The clean and cool gas could run through ordinary PE pipes to the
> individual houses where it should burn in gas furnaces.
> A part of it could run the Listeroid genset which already works in
> chp mode.
> I remember systems like this being built in Switzerland until 30-40
> years ago for large kitchens and heating boilers in hotels and other
> remote buildings in the mountains. The manufacturer was located in
> Horgen on Lake Zurich. I would have to dive very deep into my old
> records to find him...
> I attended the Germany GEK workshop with Jim last year, but he seems
> to busy to have time to spare for me. It is a pity.
> Questions:
> Do you have a gassifier of that range 40 - 50 kW gas, not engine kW ?

..yes, 2 actually, I have one that needs a new home, it's ready to go
wherever you want it, it's fueled up and ready to run on arrival.
The other one is in parts, stored with the rest of my stuff, books, 
tools, furniture and ready to move.

> Do you think that after scrubbing the gas could be "compressed "
> slightly to 300-400 mb and stored in a gasometer ?
> Has anybody sent producer gas through PE pipes over 150 m ? 

..me, not yet, is a can-do item, have gasifier with fuel 
ready for your 150m PE piping, no big deal really.  

> Where do you expect the real difficulties ?

..having to wait for people to quit yakking and start acting.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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