[Gasification] Doug Williams

Arnt Karlsen arnt at c2i.net
Sat Jul 14 07:47:42 CDT 2012

On Sat, 14 Jul 2012 10:28:39 +1200, doug.williams wrote in message 
<BBBB765142E147D4BDCF0A6904260FDF at dougspc>:

> I don't write Papers for Scientific publication, because that would
> be of no value to anyone, especially for reference papers to add to
> the Bibliography of their own studies. Reading about gasification
> doesn't quite teach you how to understand it as a technology. 

...and reading scientific papers is useless if you don't first learn 
to sift the grantseeker junk from real science and real experience.
I learned what little I know of socio-economics reading Ernst Friedrich
Schumacher's "Small Is Beautiful", 5 times, trying to figure out WTF 
some grantseeker parasite put it into the reference section of his
fancy shiny buzzwordy toiletpaper. 

..look at things and people with _proven_ records.  And learn how 
e.g. their flaws were used to keep up the military etc pressure on 
the Nazi occupation of Norway.  And compare with e.g. the Swedish 
Kãlle gasifier or Finnish professor Kyrklund's selfcleaning gasifier 
and turbocharged wood gas mid-1940ies experiments.

> I'm a nuts and bolts bloke.

...which is a requirement to get _anywhere_ in thermochemical
gasification, hot air babble is just that, hot air babble. 

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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