[Gasification] 2 MWe Gasifier at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Thomas Koch tk at tke.dk
Mon Jun 25 01:16:04 CDT 2012


I agree to your statement - give them some time before we ask too many questions. 

Concerning you statement about Ankur - in the summer 2010 I visited 13 gasifiers in Srilanka - 5 of them Ankur - none was working when I was there - they told me that they needed a rebuild of the hot zone every 2-3 weeks. 
I also visited a gasifier from TERI - it have had 2-3 hours operation before the engine exploded and it was never put back in operation. To me it looked like they had never build a gasifier before. 
Of the 13 gasifier 3 was in operation - and one producing electricity. 


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org [mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org] På vegne af Tom Miles
Sendt: 25. juni 2012 05:50
Til: 'Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification'; mark at ludlow.com
Emne: Re: [Gasification] 2 MWe Gasifier at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

>Dear Tom,
 >    Nice, pricey system.
>Tom Taylor


We find that the ones that are actually running all seem to be pricy. While we get estimates and budget quotes for 0.5-1 MWe systems at $4,000-$6,000/kWe, the ones that are actually running at 2MWe are $8,000-$10,000/kWe. The exceptions are the Sakata and Ankur gasifiers in Thailand. 

Tom Miles

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