[Gasification] Doug Williams

Thomas Deerfield thomas at dalsonenergy.com
Sun Jul 21 17:10:43 CDT 2013

How entirely appropriate would it be if this community developed a lifetime achievement award, something like the Nobel prize of Biomass Energy?

I nominate Doug Williams for the first award, and folks like Tom Miles and Tom Reed as well.

Do we know of anybody who has been more generous with their time and expertise? Anybody who more clearly embodies humility that matches their encyclopedic knowledge, and a sense of humor to match their endless curiosity?

There are many other notables in this community, and I mean not to slight anyone else, but for sheer longevity and tonnage of contribution, these guys wrote the book(s).

Can I get an amen?

Thomas Deerfield
thomas at dalsonenergy.com
Anchorage, Alaska

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