[Gasification] Steel making Charcoal
Henri Naths
c_hnaths at telusplanet.net
Thu Aug 21 19:39:29 CDT 2014
The subject you wish to explore is metallurgy. It will teach you everything u want to know about ductile strength, tensile strength; the psi rating of different classes of steel among several other steel making processes. How carbon and alloys affect the iron ore for hardness and brittleness. A good welding course will teach u all of this. Maybe pick up some old metallurgy books from a college.
Good luck
On 2014-08-21, at 6:54 AM, Craig Kernan <craig at postcollapse.org> wrote:
> Thinking about the discussion here made me realize that I only have a relatively fuzzy undersatanding of steel making, and some people on this list seem to understand the process much better. I decied to try and pick some knowledgable brains.
> 1. Can someone here recomend a good reference on small scale steel making with charcoal. I Know it is/has been done in small villages in several parts of the world with relatively low technology, often with excelent results. Example: the two kinds of steel folded into a katana (samuri sword) by Japanese sword makers.
> 2. If I wanted to render the old Mazda pickup and Ford van in my back yard into different types of steel, what parts shoudl I start with and what should I do?
> a. to get a very hard steel,
> b. to get a very elastic springy steel
> c. to get an easily worked steel for a balcksmiths forge?
> Craig
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