[Gasification] eliminating carbon monoxide from coal gas

Jeff Davis jeffdavis0124 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 12:33:44 CDT 2015

Dear Anand,

The iron reaction with CO to CO2 then remove the CO2 with lime (if I
remember correctly). Simple, your guess is better than mine.


"Once an owner has got used to charcoal gas he will never revert to the
more expensive fuels", Geo Bray
On Apr 11, 2015 11:15 PM, "Anand Karve" <adkarve at gmail.com> wrote:

> Coal gas as automotive fuel
> Agriculture, forests and urban centres  in India produce annually
> about 1000 million tons of combustible waste biomass. Its energy
> content is almost 3 times as much as the petroleum that we currently
> use in our country.  Samuchit Enviro Tech developed a simple and
> nonpolluting technology for converting combustible biomass into
> charcoal. When hot charcoal is treated with steam, it produces coal
> gas, consisting of a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. We have
> used this reaction in an experimental stove, in which the coal gas is
> used as fuel.   Can anybody suggest a simple method of removing carbon
> monoxide from coal gas?
> Yours
> A.D.Karve
> ***
> Dr. A.D. Karve
> Chairman, Samuchit Enviro Tech Pvt Ltd (www.samuchit.com)
> Trustee & Founder President, Appropriate Rural Technology Institute (ARTI)
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