[Gasification] 500 kW Gasifier concept

James Joyce james at jamesjoyce.com.au
Sun Jan 31 15:48:12 CST 2016

Hello list. I have been asked to design a 500 kW heat gasifier, for operation on damp nut shell charcoal. They are using the heat from the producer gas burner to heat water, so I have the luxury of using a water jacket to keep the barrel cool.

Presuming the attachment gets through, any comments on the viability of this rather simple downdraft design ? Has anyone down a similar unit ?

Given the down-draft design it can be run as a batch fuelled unit or semi-continuous fulling. The end user wants to be able to run 24 hours/day 6 days a week at rates from 50 to 500 kW heat output. They will be drawing the gas out to a burner tube using a suction fan on the cool side of a fin tube heat exchanger.

If it works well for heat, then further down the track they will look to pull some of the producer gas off to cooler/filter and into a small diesel engine generator as a co-fuel.



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