[Greenbuilding] New HVAC unit

Bobbi Chukran bobbi at bobbichukran.com
Wed Jun 1 20:59:31 CDT 2011

On Jun 1, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Reuben Deumling wrote:
> The short answer in your case, or in any case where AC is thought  
> necessary, would be to go the route Corwyn did with his house but  
> as a retrofit. Adding exterior wall thickness isn't necessarily  
> cheap...e.>

We had sort of wanted to make as few changes to the basic structure  
as possible.  The outside right now is clapboard covered over with  
aluminum at some point.  Under that are the horizontal planks.  Under  
that are the 2x4's.  Then you have the inside walls, which are the  
planks, then 3/8" wallboard.  Adding onto the outside of the house is  
not an option.  At some point we'd like to remove the aluminum and  
restore the original siding, but that has to come later.  I suppose  
we could add to the inside walls, but with all the windows in place,  
that's also tricky.

Oh, and BTW, other than the basic plumbing, electrical and HVAC work  
that has to be done for code, it's all DIY.

> It was a nasty chemical-ly smell that I encounter in airplanes too.>

That sounds like formaldehyde to me!

BTW, I have some photos of the house on my garden blog:



bobbi c.

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