[Greenbuilding] Perceptions of Nature & Reality

RT archilogic at yahoo.ca
Tue May 28 09:14:21 CDT 2013

On Mon, 27 May 2013 10:24:56 -0400, Norbert Senf <mheat at mha-net.org> wrote:

> Dollars tells me very little. If I burn dollar bills, $46 means I have a  
> very efficient house, indeed.

It appears that Norbert has grown more rascally in his absence from this  
List. Eh ?

I would further venture that a Canadian house that burns $46 in dollar  
bills is not only very efficient, it would be much more efficient than an  
American house that burns $46 in dollar bills, once again demonstrating  
the arbitrariness and inutility of using  "dollars" as a unit of energy  

"Oh yeah ? Why ?" you say, with an irritated sneer.

The smallest denomination of Canadian paper currency is a five-dollar  
bill. (       Unless of course, Murricans only use tens and twenties to  

But to get back to the point, Steve was arguing that the units for power,  
energy,distance and time etc. were arbitrary contrivances not associated  
with any natural events when in fact, the reality is that those units are  
in fact based on very precise observations of natural phenomena and  
quantify them with a high degree of accuracy allowing communication of  
details globally irrespective of language, locale etc.

=== * ===
Rob Tom					AOD257
Kanata, Ontario, Canada

< A r c h i L o g i c  at  Y a h o o  dot  c a  >
(manually winnow the chaff from my edress if you hit "reply")

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