[Stoves] Jamaican cooking (Crispin Pemberton-Pigott)

Richard Stanley rstanley at legacyfound.org
Wed Apr 6 08:56:00 CDT 2011


I do not know much about you or even much your work but I have to say that that was a very refreshing and well referenced post you just entered: It offers much food for thought. Our own take on charcoal use is much the same as yours; Viz;  it is there and will coninue to be used ....but we can optiise it by utilising the 20+ % waste that winds up on the seller's stall floors, and generally move to its assimilation into non carbonisd biomass in more efficient stoves...What the charcoal seller offers is not so much the charcoal but a network and a markeing skill and a established presence in local markets, globally. 
It is that network we wish to integrate to, for selling 'increasingly reduced' portions of charcoal in biomass briquette fuel, as we learn more about how to combust noncarbonised biomass efficiently

Richard Stanley
NW Obamaland

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