[Stoves] SA Paraffin Geyser and water heaters in general

Jeff Davis jeff0124 at velocity.net
Tue Apr 12 00:16:42 CDT 2011

Hi Sushim,

Yes, that is the stove. I will use the battery pack that came with the
stove. The liquid fueled stove doesn't need batteries but needs to be
pumped up, air pressure.

On Tue, 2011-04-12 at 07:07 +0545, Sushim Man Amatya wrote:
> Are you talking about the camp stove that has a
> small fan underneath? If so, how will you power your fan? 

Gerrie, similar application as in heating wash water?


Gerrie wrote:
> Let me know how it works out as I have wwoofers and I may use a
> similar application.  Regards, Gerrie

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