[Stoves] Wood fired, two-stage gasification employed

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 12:42:04 CDT 2011

Dear Andrew


> My conclusion is that these industrial type woodburners have an even
better performance in terms of air quality than the bald figures suggest
because our cookstoves typically have PMs of PICs formed in the secondary
combustion, with much higher organic carbon, and it is these that are
implicated in the health problems from indoor air quality.


There is one essential number needed to have that conversation (about the
industrial burners having better performance) and that is the absolute
potential emissions from working examples of the naturally aspirated stoves
(cooking or not).


I agree that the 'typical' cooking stove is not going to be as good, however
I am inspired by the really good results that are possible with some of the
new configurations so I was wondering if we can get two numbers to compare:
the ash-free PM from both burners. Fans are definitely causing more fuel bed
turbulence and lofting particles that might otherwise fall into the ash bin.


If the best non-fan (unblown?) combustors are as clean as the industrial
ones, we are doing really well compared with 5 years ago. Big improvement!





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