[Stoves] Fwd: Happy New year 2011

Sarbagya Tuladhar sarbagya007 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 05:37:53 CST 2011

Dear Sanu Kaji ji,

Unfortunately 13 of April is a bit late on my work plan...is there any
way possible I could make a visit to your place (FoST)...Is there
anyone I could contact while I am there...I have already visited your
place around 4 years back if you may recall...Is there a way you can
arrange for that to happen...Marco Peter of CWS/UK, Pokhara has also
been mentioning about you...I will be in ktm for about a week
(March7th onwards)...I would be starting on the dung briquetting as
soon as I am back from ktm...

Best Regards,
Sarbagya Tuladhar
EWB Australia

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Richard Stanley
<rstanley at legacyfound.org> wrote:
> Dear Sarbagyaji,
> Namaskar,
> Thanks for your interest on briquetting in Bhairawa. I will be arriving in Nepal only on April 13, 2011.
> Sanu Kaji Shrestha
> On Feb 22, 2011, at 6:14 AM, Sarbagya Tuladhar wrote:
>> Hi to all,
>> I am at the moment based in Bhairahawa working as a stove design
>> engineer for EWB Australia along with a local NGO NAMUNA. We are
>> working on designing a clean dung based cooking stove for the local
>> community here. The community here are entirely dependent on dung as a
>> fuel for cooking purpose. I have been working with "washing" the dung
>> before using as a fuel to remove the toxic gases in the fuel. After
>> the process of "washing" briquetting the dung is the next step. I
>> would certainly be meeting up with Mr. Sanu Kaji Shrestha in Kathmandu
>> during the first week of March. I am certain that his valuable
>> expertise will benefit me immensely. It would also be great to keep in
>> touch with Ranju Pandey. Does anyone know when the conference in Peru
>> concludes and Mr Sanu Kaji is back in ktm...
>> Best Regards,
>> Sarbagya Tuladhar
>> EWB Australia
>> Stove Design Engineer
>> On 2/21/11, Richard Stanley <rstanley at legacyfound.org> wrote:
>>> Greetings Ranjit,
>>> I am right now on Peru at the PCIA conference with Sanu Kaji of the FoST
>>> organization based in  Thamel !
>>> He is the best person to respond to you concerning briquette making in
>>> Nepal. The stoves and biofuels network is also a very good technical
>>> resource for discussion of possible emissions issues. I have ccy'd them as
>>> well to introduce you.
>>> Warm greetings to your family from Joyce and myself.
>>> Regards,
>>> Richard
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: Ranju Pandey <ranjupandey at yahoo.com>
>>>> Date: February 21, 2011 3:36:45 AM GMT-05:00
>>>> To: Richard Stanley <rstanley at legacyfound.org>
>>>> Subject: Re: Happy New year 2011
>>>> Hello Sir
>>>> Sorry for the late reply .Busy with alot of work in office , field visit
>>>> to Okhaldhunga(mid hilly area of the country) where we are implementing
>>>> the project. We have just installed the oil expeller in one rural village
>>>> named Manibhanjyan. Since the collection of Jatropha seed is going on and
>>>> they also expell the seed and obtain the oil and seed cake too . They use
>>>> seed cake for the fertilizer and it can be also used as brequette and used
>>>> as fuel for cooking too.
>>>> Therefore I want to know is it possible to make brequette from the seed
>>>> cake and if it is possible than we can produce biofuel and brequette
>>>> too.Then if we can do it than the rural farmer will be more  benefited
>>>> from the project.
>>>> Hoping for the suggestion from your side as you are expert in this
>>>> technology .
>>>> Your sincerely
>>>> Ranju Pandey
>>>> Bio fuel Manager
>>>> People, Energy and Environment Development Association (PEEDA)
>>>> Bhanimandal, Ekantakuna
>>>> Post Box No.8975, EPC 2157
>>>> Kathmandu, Nepal
>>>> Phone: +977-1-5540792 or 5530337
>>>> Fax :+977-1-5529873
>>>> e-mail: ranju at peeda.net
>>>> web: www.peeda.net
>>>> From: Richard Stanley <rstanley at legacyfound.org>
>>>> To: Ranju Pandey <ranjupandey at yahoo.com>
>>>> Cc: Kaji Sanu <fost at ntc.net.np>
>>>> Sent: Tue, 11 January, 2011 23:32:30
>>>> Subject: Re: Happy New year 2011
>>>> Ranju,
>>>> Thanks for you very nice letter which I just received this morning. You
>>>> ill be making a good contribution. e run or own car a 2006 Volkswagen
>>>> Passat tdi, on biodiesel here and it feels good to be doing good things...
>>>> Do you know of my colleague Sanu Kaji who heads the Foundation for
>>>> Sustainable Technologies no ? I would suggest the next time you are back
>>>> in Kathmandu, you go over to see his center..You have a lot in common. He
>>>> does not work with biofuel and you do not work with briquettes but I
>>>> wouldn't be surprised if you both take interest in the other technology as
>>>> a result of your visit !
>>>> I have ccy'd him this note to introduce you to each other...
>>>> All the best in 2011 and again thanks for your nice letter . I hope your
>>>> family is all doing well too.
>>>> Our christmas letter is attached.
>>>> Richard Stanley
>>>> Legacyfound.org
>>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:12 PM, Ranju Pandey wrote:
>>>>> Dear sir ,
>>>>> Happy New Year 2011 for you and your family .May this year bring alot of
>>>>> joy and happiness in your life .
>>>>> As far as I am concerned , I return back from Germany completing my
>>>>> master degree in Energy and Environment management at the end of
>>>>> september 2010.
>>>>> At present I am working as a Bio-fuel Manager in one of the NGO named
>>>>> "People ,Energy and Environment Development Management (PEEDA)"
>>>>> I am involved in the Bio-fuel pilot project implemented in  Okhaldhunga
>>>>> ,the rural and remort part of Nepal .
>>>>> Project is all about using the non edible oil from Jatropha plants ,for
>>>>> runing the Hospital Generator .
>>>>> 1st Novemeber onward , I am working in  this project .
>>>>> Once again wishing you a very happy new year to you .
>>>>> Keep in touch and bye for now
>>>>> Ranju Pandey
>>>>> Bio fuel Manager
>>>>> People, Energy and Environment Development Association (PEEDA)
>>>>> Bhanimandal, Ekantakuna
>>>>> Post Box No.8975, EPC 2157
>>>>> Kathmandu, Nepal
>>>>> Phone: +977-1-5540792 or 5530337
>>>>> Fax :+977-1-5529873
>>>>> e-mail: ranju at peeda.net
>>>>> web: www.peeda.net
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