[Stoves] Repetitive Cross-Cuts

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 16:06:31 CST 2011

Dear Andrew S


That unit sounds like it has teeth and I see there is a certain rotary kick
to it sometimes. 



Can you confirm that it has some sort of coarse teeth? Are there teeth on
the stationary portion so rotation is largely prevented?

Certainly a great device - never saw one before. It is obvious that if the
feeding was horizontal you could have two people feeding, one on each side.

We didn't get to see the final product up close. Do you think it is suited
to a medium to large TLUD?

Dr Paul A, what do you think of the chunk size? The power level looks low
for something that can take on such large pieces. Very attractive.





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