[Stoves] New US Patent law change

Fireside Hearth firesidehearthvashon at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 9 16:06:51 CDT 2011

     Hello Listers.....

        So that we can all get nice warm fuzzy about the "progress" we may or not be making in our mutual quest for a better environment, I would love for each and every one of us to read the following book. The world without us, by Allen Weisman. The grim reality is that we are all FU%$ED, sorry for the street language, but it's true. The hidden devastation to the planet will most likely shock anyone who has not yet read it.
        It would be interesting to see what would happen if all of us internet connected folks who really do care, and all of the circle of related contacts knew about this, and rallied together, might happen. If you think you already know the extent of how mankind, run by corporations and governments with no soul, has permanently screwed this planet........you don't.
        While I am an obvious proponent of the work done to clean up the air, and slow the use of fuels of many kinds, I am sickeningly more aware with every new page of this book how little our "efforts" will actually help in the bigger picture. Maybe we need to use some of our "spare time" to expose to the world what is embodied in this book. Just maybe if EVERYBODY knew about this, some change might have a chance.

         God Bless Us All......the sands of time run low for our kind.  

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