[Stoves] Platform forc burner development

Alex English english at kingston.net
Sun Aug 5 11:11:11 CDT 2012

Dear Shoe-String Designers,

In order to move my gravity feed burner development outside during the 
warm months, I have built a barrel based platform to mount the burner 
and a variable speed blower to dial up the draft. This allow the 
platform to mimic common chimney conditions or indeed higher pressure 
differences. During trials today the Pellet Pasifier (largely based on 
the Dasifier https://sites.google.com/site/dicksfoundry/Home/dasifier 
)was able fire at up to about 30 kilowatts, all through a ~5 cm throat.

The burner mounts on the green barrel and the blower mounts on a water 
cooled plate on the red barrel.

Here is a short video through a port in the side of the red barrel.

Fun in the Sun

Alex English

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