[Stoves] Biogas backpack
Anand Karve
adkarve at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 20:33:25 CST 2012
Dear stovers and biogas lovers,
some 40 years ago, a firm called Swastik Rubber Works, located in the city
of Pune in India, used to offer a biogas plant made completely out of a
flexible rubber bag. Unfortunately, in those days, my concept of using food
waste to reduce the size and cost of a biogas plant was not known, and this
particular biogas plant, using dung as feedstock, was relatively large and
costly, having a total volume of 4 cubic m. When I came up with the concept
of a compact biogas plant based on food waste, I tried to contact this firm
for a rubber biogas plant of 500 litre capacity. Unfortunately, this
company had, in the meanwhile, gone bankrupt. I am still searching for a
flexible and portable biogas plant of 500 litre capacity.
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 2:02 AM, Crispin Pemberton-Pigott <
crispinpigott at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Ron****
> ** **
> And as well, from my point of view, it's also a bit ironic, since the very
> sturdy bag, selling for ~$US38, could actually *be* a digester if it had
> two additional pipes (an inlet and an outlet), and further that since it's
> about a cubic meter in volume, it would produce about a cubic meter of gas
> every day, if fed and kept warm.”****
> Regards****
> Crispin****
> ** **
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Dr. A.D. Karve
Trustee & Founder President, Appropriate Rural Technology Institute (ARTI)
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