[Stoves] Exclusion of nitrogen from air

Anand Karve adkarve at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 23:51:44 CDT 2012

Dear workers of stoves and gasifiers,
when one uses atmospheric air as a source of oxygen, one unnecessarily
heats up the nitrogen in the air. This nitrogen ultimately goes out of the
chimney, taking with it a lot of heat. The technologies based on wood as
fuel are pretty old, but one can revive them, using some of the more recent
techniques. A person who owns a foundry told me that a moleular sieve was
now available for separating nitrogen from oxygen. Has anybody heard of it?
Can it be used in producing a better stove and a better gasifier?

Dr. A.D. Karve
Trustee & Founder President, Appropriate Rural Technology Institute (ARTI)
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