[Stoves] Not stoves, but interesting: Plastic Bottle Lights up dark houses.

Paul S. Anderson psanders at ilstu.edu
Fri Mar 23 10:03:16 CDT 2012

Stovers and all,  (NOT intending this to start a Thread of discussion  
on this Listserve, but too good to not bring to your attention because  
we often work with tinsmiths.)

Plastic bottle in roof gives interior light.

Here is one of several videos on this amazingly simple light.
This is the Philippines. A friend of mine has also seen a video in Brazil.


This video shows how to do it (great job creation for tinsmiths!!).  I  
will be exploring this for the Uganda and Haiti work that I do.

Paul S. Anderson, PhD
Known to some as:    Dr TLUD      Doc      Professor
Phone (USA): 309-452-7072   SKYPE: paultlud   Email: psanders at ilstu.edu
www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/giz2011-en-micro-gasification.pdf (excellent ref.)
My website specific for TLUD information: www.drtlud.com  =  www.DrTLUD.com

Quoting Roger Schmidgall <rogerschmidgall at yahoo.com>:

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