[Stoves] Smoke-free biomass pellet fueled stove

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 17:01:44 CST 2012

Dear Andrew

I an becoming convinced that the char disappears for other reasons as well. The heat needed to get rid of the moisture is far less than the charcoal. That leads me to think there is some reaction involving water that breaks the carbon out of the char. 

Any ideas what that would be?

------Original Message------
From: ajheggie at gmail.com
Sender: Stoves
To: Stoves
ReplyTo: Stoves
Subject: Re: [Stoves] Smoke-free biomass pellet fueled stove
Sent: Nov 8, 2012 17:13

[Default] On Sun, 4 Nov 2012 11:54:00 -0800,"Tom Miles"
<tmiles at trmiles.com> wrote:

>I have often wondered how consistent the char is from a TLUD. While the
>maximum heat treat temperature (HTT) is probably consistent, the time that
>the char is exposed to these temperatures probably varies.

Tom Reed used to say that "Denver dry" wood (10%mc wwb) yielded 25%
char from a tlud burn and 25% none, so as the initial mc goes up the
char becomes higher in ash and lower in charcoal. This is because the
enthalpy of water vapour being produced has to be provided by heat
from burning char.


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