[Stoves] Extended use of TLUDs Re: [biochar] Used Tractors ...biochar on homestead

David G. LeVine dlevine at speakeasy.net
Wed Oct 24 17:10:20 CDT 2012

On 10/23/2012 01:21 AM, Su Ba wrote:
> I was just given some discarded propane tanks of various sizes. I plan 
> to have a friend, who is welder, cut them up and see what we can come 
> up with for a stove. My requirements for a stove is that it has to be 
> easy for me to use, cost not too much, and last longer than they do now.
> ...Su Ba
Warning:  Propane tanks can explode or flare if cut without fully 
emptying them.  It is wise to open the valve for a week or two in hot, 
bright sunlight, or fill the tank with non-flammable gasses (CO2, Argon, 
etc.) to prevent such problems for the first cut. Remove the valves, if 
you can.

Dave  8{)


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