[Stoves] "adam-retort" good feed back for biochar production in Cambodia

Rogerio carneiro de miranda carneirodemiranda at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 05:45:48 CDT 2013

Chris, here is a clue


PROLENHA is planning to hold a workshop on charcoaling cogeneration in the
near future.


2013/8/16 scda2 at t-online.de <scda2 at t-online.de>

> "adam-retort" good feed back for biochar production in Cambodia
> Dear Stovers,
> just got these promising news from Gill in Cambodia.
> Cheers
> Chris ADAM
> www.biocoal.org
> Dear Chris,
> The system we have in Cambodia *works to our satisfaction* and has been
> in operation daily since the commencement and all the charcoal that is
> produced is crushed and ploughed *back into the soil as black gold*. We
> had to rebuild the system walls as they started to crumble after the
> continuous use
> We now built an additional 3 units which are bigger in size than your
> design and each unit can hold 2 times as much wood.
> I would like to know how I can use the Adam to act as boiler so as to
> generate steam to run a turbine to generate electricity. Since I will have
> about 5 Adams retorts which can operate such that I will get enough steam
> throughout to be able to generate electricity 24/7.
> Any ideas?
> Gill
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