[Stoves] Break Even Ecological Footprint

Josh Kearns yeah.yeah.right.on at gmail.com
Sun Aug 18 20:24:28 CDT 2013

Interesting short article about the energy footprint of information
communications technologies:


some highlights:

"The average iPhone requires more power per year than the average

"...it takes more electricity to stream a high-definition movie over a
wireless network than it would have taken to manufacture and ship a DVD of
that same movie."

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 12:55 PM, Erin Rasmussen <erin at trmiles.com> wrote:

> Ok, I'll reword - we do the best we can, and we use a hosting provider
> that buys wind power in excess of their consumption of that power. I know
> that you buy wind power you just end up subsidizing some wind production
> and power, not actually getting wind generated power at your facility.
> Yes, I understand about environmental costs of manufacturing and digital
> technology, and that's part of why we encourage smaller, and more efficient
> messages. Someone shouldn't need the latest technology or a fast connection
> (and the associated cost in energy and peripherals) to be able to get
> valuable information about cooking stoves.  Please keep your messages
> small, so that we can keep getting the word out to more remote communities.
> ****
> ** **
> Kind regards,****
> Erin ****
> erin at trmiles.com  ****
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Josh Kearns
PhD Candidate, Environmental Engineering
University of Colorado-Boulder
Visiting Researcher, North Carolina State University

Director of Science
Aqueous Solutions

Mobile: 720 989 3959
Skype: joshkearns
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