[Stoves] Fwd: Climate Panel Cites Near Certainty on Warming

Andrew Heggie aj.heggie at gmail.com
Wed Aug 21 12:45:08 CDT 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew Heggie <aj.heggie at gmail.com>
Date: 20 August 2013 20:25
Subject: Re: [Stoves] Climate Panel Cites Near Certainty on Warming
To: Discussion of biomass cooking stoves <stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org>

On 20 Aug 2013 20:06, "Ronal W. Larson" <rongretlarson at comcast.net> wrote:
> Andrew and list:
>    Maybe speaking for Andrew Heggie (list moderator),  I guess we need to remind Paul O that his type of message today tends to get us off of stove topics.

Yes I do consider it offtopic and because it also leads to intemperate
arguments between the few main protagonists from both camps it does
nothing for the other subscribers. How many times must I request
posters to stick with stoves topics? AJH

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