[Stoves] Climate Panel Cites Near Certainty on Warming

Paul Olivier paul.olivier at esrla.com
Wed Aug 21 19:29:01 CDT 2013


The GACC values stoves that achieve measurable health and/or environmental
goals, and under environmental goals, it mentions the reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions. I would suppose that there is no one on this list
who would say that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.

Let us suppose that someone went to the doctor, and the doctor said that
this person had a 95% chance of dying from cancer within a certain period
of time if he does not undergo chemotherapy and other medical treatment.
Does this person simply ignore what the doctor says and refuses any kind of
medical intervention in the hope that he might situate in the 5% likelihood
of not contracting cancer? If he is a sensible person, he will take
immediate action.

*The 2007 report found “unequivocal” evidence of warming, but hedged a
little on responsibility, saying the chances were at least 90 percent that
human activities were the cause. The language in the new draft is stronger,
saying the odds are at least 95 percent that humans are the principal
cause. *

The fact that a topic is controversial does not make it off-topic. But
people have to be civil in their discourse. Labeling the opinions of other
as so much nonsense or as babble, is totally out of place.


On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 2:25 AM, Andrew Heggie <aj.heggie at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 20 Aug 2013 20:06, "Ronal W. Larson" <rongretlarson at comcast.net> wrote:
> >
> > Andrew and list:
> >
> >    Maybe speaking for Andrew Heggie (list moderator),  I guess we need
> to remind Paul O that his type of message today tends to get us off of
> stove topics.
> >
> Yes I do consider it offtopic and because it also leads to intemperate
> arguments between the few main protagonists from both camps it does nothing
> for the other subscribers. How many times must I request posters to stick
> with stoves topics? AJH
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Paul A. Olivier PhD
26/5 Phu Dong Thien Vuong

Louisiana telephone: 1-337-447-4124 (rings Vietnam)
Mobile: 090-694-1573 (in Vietnam)
Skype address: Xpolivier
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