[Stoves] what causes warming deosn't matter.

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 14:53:34 CDT 2013

Dear Robert


Thank you for breaking cover. I agree wholeheartedly. Having spent more than
½ my life in Africa working on exactly those sorts of problems it is
distressing to see the bun fights in the developed world impacting the real
work on the ground.


Is there any aspects of stove development that are particularly important to
you at this time? 






I have been silent.  but.....  It doesn't make any difference what any of us
think about the source of global warming.  I happen to think humans have
caused it.  but so what?  What I think doesn't matter.  Not in the least.
My work with the women in the field, doing the best design and distribution
work we can do, saving them three afternoons of menial wood gathering labor
every week, getting the smoke out of their houses,  preserving for a while
their disappearing forests, doesn't depend in any way on whether I think it
is getting warmer because of a century of industrialization in the northern
hemisphere, or because of some other reason.   We design for less fuel
burned, for less emissions of all kinds inside and outside, especially where
people are breathing, don't we?.  My analysis of the impact of the
industrial revolution is hardly relevant.


back to work.  come on!




Robert V. Lange

Maasai Stoves and Solar





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