[Stoves] Introducing a new low cost clay brick stove

CHRISTA ROTH stoves at foodandfuel.info
Thu Jan 24 19:42:00 CST 2013

Roger, I am trying to find something on the Lego stove, but so far can't find it on my computer. Have here a photo from Senegal taken in November last year. The bricks are unfired 'banco' mud-mixtures, preshaped with moulds and then assembled on site like the Lego-toys
will send you more once I find things. Moushine is out on a boat cruise and does not have stuff with him right now.
Talk to you soon

Am 24.01.2013 um 09:07 schrieb Roger Samson <rogerenroute at yahoo.ca>:

> Hi Christa
> Yes I was happy to see we are in the same session. I don't know about Moushine's Lego stove and we are working in Senegal so I should. Do you have any links i can study before the meeting?
> The Noflay was inspired by the Esperenza and Lion stove. We just wanted something that was profoundly simpler and cheaper. Crispin allerted me to the problem of clay brick transport costs and breakage and so we tried to keep everything as materially lean and local as possible.
> In the village in Ndugu Kebbeh Gambia of 420 households, we have installed 250 Noflay stoves already. The demand is over 500 as many households are choosing to install one for the rice pot and one for the sauce pot. Its very encouraging to see the Noflay stove momentum in the area as its less than a year since we started scaling up. The stove is easy to build and easy to use. Its very intuitive to use as the combustion chamber is so similar to cooking with 3 stones.
> regards
> roger in -25 montreal  
> --- On Wed, 1/23/13, CHRISTA ROTH <stoves at foodandfuel.info> wrote:
> From: CHRISTA ROTH <stoves at foodandfuel.info>
> Subject: Re: [Stoves] Introducing a new low cost clay brick stove
> To: "Discussion of biomass cooking stoves" <stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org>
> Received: Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 8:01 PM
> Roger, good to hear that you will be at ETHOS. 
> Looking forward to discuss experiences, I will be in your session.
> have you compared the Noflay stove to the LEGO stove that Moushine designed and that GIZ is promoting in Senegal and Burkina Faso? 
> See you there, regards from San Franciso airport
> Christa
> Am 23.01.2013 um 21:10 schrieb Roger Samson <rogerenroute at yahoo.ca>:
>> Dear Stovers,
>> We have been working in West Africa to find a new way forward to develop affordable stoves that are cleaner burning and save more fuelwood. At the ETHOS conference, Rebecca Chin and I will give a presentation on the new clay brick stove REAP developed in 2012 and our efforts to install 2000 of the new stoves last year.  
>> Since 2005 we have been working in West Africa to introduce the Mayon Turbo and metal rocket stoves in rural communities. Our main problems have been that these stoves were undersized for the large cooking pots, are much too expensive (as Cecil poignantly highlighted) and, in the case of the metal bucket rocket the stove was short-lived.
>> So we went back to the drawing board to develop a low-cost clay brick stove with custom-made bricks to deal with the large pots.  Over the past year, with funding from the Canadian Government, we have come up with the Noflay stove or “no problem” stove. The stove is essentially made up of two components: a central combustion chamber of fired bricks and a shroud (a mortared brick wall custom-built to the pot size). In brief, the stove has many of the design features of other large improved clay brick and metal stoves (i.e. low excess air, preheated primary air, secondary air, good heat transfer) but is much less expensive. The total installed cost of the stove is about $10USD and it can hold a 34 cm pot typically used for a household of 12 or more.  Compared to other advanced clay brick stoves some key reasons for the low cost of the Noflay is its resource efficiency because of the round shape (i.e. use of custom made bricks in both the firebox and shroud), the limited use of kiln fired bricks and its focus on locally made bricks which reduces transport costs and brick breakage.
>> Please find attached some of the photos of the stove being constructed.
>> regards
>> Roger Samson
>> Executive Director
>> REAP-Canada
>> www.reap-canada.com
>> <1. Noflay combustion chamber and shroud.JPG><2. Mason with Noflay.JPG><3. cooking with the Noflay.JPG>_______________________________________________
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