[Stoves] HEDON Newsletter - June 2013

HEDON Household Energy Network hedon at hedon.info
Tue Jul 9 16:49:55 CDT 2013

Welcome to the June issue of the HEDON newsletter

We apologise for the delay in sending this out to you.

In this issue:

*	HEDON features of the month 
*	Latest news from around the world 
*	Events 
*	Jobs 
*	Courses 
*	Offers 
*	Requests 

HEDON features of the month

HEDON welcomes new volunteers

HEDON has been lucky enough to recruit new volunteers who will be working as part of the editorial team, expanding our online databases and improving our communications. For more information and how you could get involved, please see here <http://www.hedon.info/volunteervacancies&no_bl=y> .

HEDON Internship - deadline extended

HEDON had extended the deadline for the operations manager role. Deadline for applications is 28th July for an August start. Please see the role description <http://www.hedon.info/hedonhiring&no_bl=y>  or email lizzie at hedon.info for more information.

HEDON survey - final reminder

We thank our members who have already responded to this survey. The feedback collected will help us understand the effectiveness of our services and how we can better suit the needs of those working in the household energy sector. If you haven't already responded, click here to send us your opinion <http://www.hedon.info/Membership_survey_2013> .


Practical Action's Blog - What's cooking in the stove sector? <http://www.hedon.info/article2951> 

Published: 14:59 UTC

New blog post from Practical Action outlining developments in the Stove Sector.

By Lucy Stevens, June 28th 2013

Azuri and GVEP awarded $1M USAID grant to bring pay-as-you-go solar to Rwanda <http://www.hedon.info/article2950> 

Published: 14:32 UTC

Azuri Technologies has received a $1Million award from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) to support the establishment of pay-as-you-go solar power in Rwanda. The program is being delivered in partnership with GVEP and aims to deploy solar home systems in Rwanda and provide a template for future deployment of pay-as-you-go solar lighting systems in other countries with low access to electricity.

Mexico Aims to Cut Home Energy Use with Green Loan Plan <http://www.hedon.info/article2947> 

Published: 13:37 UTC

By Talli Nauman, originally published June 27, 2013 on Thomson Reuters Foundation

Ashden Award winner SolarAid makes solar lights available in rural Senegal <http://www.hedon.info/article2946> 

Published: Thu 04 of July, 2013 08:49 UTC

This year’s winner of the prestigious Ashden awards, Solar Aid, is carrying out a pilot project in West Africa, which aims to test a new model – The Light Library Project – to allow access to solar lights for all through donating libraries of lights to selected rural schools. GVEP is working with Solar Aid to support the pilot’s implementation in Senegal.

Renewable energy brings light and warmth to poor South Africans <http://www.hedon.info/article2943> 

Published: Fri 07 of June, 2013 08:25 UTC

Cape Town – A range of new renewable and efficient energy products designed specifically for low-income households is helping many South Africans to keep the lights on and fight the winter cold, despite rising energy prices and the threat of load-shedding.

GVEP secures $375K grant to improve cookstoves in Kenya <http://www.hedon.info/article2935> 

Published: Thu 30 of May, 2013 14:14 UTC

GVEP has received a $375K grant from Spark Fund to improve the performance and quality of locally manufactured efficient cookstoves in Kenya.

New High-Impact Opportunity: Energy  <http://www.hedon.info/article2934> & Women’s Health

Published: Tue 28 of May, 2013 10:08 UTC

The United Nations Foundation, the World Health Organization and UN-Women have come together to co-lead a High Impact Opportunity on Energy and Women's Health.

Cooking the better way - making improved cookstoves available to families in Kenya  <http://www.hedon.info/article2938> 

Published: Sun 12 of May, 2013 14:03 UTC

After the success of an innovative deal to provide solar solutions to women in rural Kenya, GVEP International has again partnered with Women Enterprise Development Institute (WEDI), this time to help provide cooking solutions.

Could India become a global leader in energy access for the poor? <http://www.hedon.info/article2929> 

Published: Wed 08 of May, 2013 09:32 UTC

By Sarah Butler-Sloss, Ashden Founder Director

'Gravity-powered lamps' offer ray of hope  <http://www.hedon.info/article2926> 

Published: Sat 04 of May, 2013 14:55 UTC

Light powered by gravity with no running costs aims to replace kerosene lamps in developing world.

Healthy cooking starts with the stove <http://www.hedon.info/article2925> 

Published: Sat 04 of May, 2013 14:35 UTC

Harmful cookstove smoke is one of the top five threats to public health in poor developing countries.

Finalists announced for 2013 Ashden Awards <http://www.hedon.info/article2939> 

Published: Wed 01 of May, 2013 14:12 UTC

This year’s international finalists include businesses and social enterprises that are catalysing markets for cleaner cookstoves and getting affordable solar power to where it’s most needed.

LPG woes a fillip to biogas plants <http://www.hedon.info/article2922> 

Published: Mon 22 of Apr., 2013 22:20 UTC

In rural areas of India, where getting a gas cylinder is difficult , people have started to look at the alternative offered by New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh (NREDCP).

Award for innovations in clean cooking solutions in India <http://www.hedon.info/article2921> 

Published: Sun 21 of Apr., 2013 18:15 UTC

The cash award will be presented to an enterprise that demonstrates the most innovative and scalable approach to solve pressing challenges in the clean cookstoves and fuels value chain in India.

Report from the Clean Cooking Forum in Cambodia <http://www.hedon.info/article2916> 

Published: Wed 03 of Apr., 2013 11:11 UTC

SNV presented its ongoing and successful work in the field of biogas in Vietnam and Nepal to the large group of participants at the Clean Cooking Forum, 2013.

First Vietnamese gold standard project celebrates its first issuance of VER's <http://www.hedon.info/article2915> 

Published: Wed 03 of Apr., 2013 11:02 UTC

The Vietnam Biogas Programme has been awarded Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reduction credits following a successful monitoring process that took place from June 2010 to December 2011.

Micro hydros can power rural Afghanistan, Nepal <http://www.hedon.info/article2914> 

Published: Wed 03 of Apr., 2013 10:50 UTC

For communities located more than ten kilometres away from the nearest grid substation, research has shown that micro hydro mini-grid technology may be cheaper than extending central grid networks or investing in household solar units.

Pioneering Carbon-Credit Project Delivers Clean Cooking to Conflict-Hit Darfur <http://www.hedon.info/article2923> 

Published: Fri 22 of Mar., 2013 08:00 UTC

Carbon Clear’s Darfur Low-Smoke Stoves Project in Sudan has received official registration by The Gold Standard, generating carbon credits that will help deliver health and economic benefits to households in the strife-torn region.

The ‘barefoot’ solar engineers <http://www.hedon.info/article2912> 

Published: Tue 19 of Mar., 2013 14:40 UTC

The Barefoot College in western India is training illiterate or semi-literate women from all over the world to be solar engineers. Making It magazine investigates how this form of South-South cooperation is making renewable energy technology and knowledge accessible, and at the same time, helping to reduce poverty.

Practical Action launches the Poor people’s energy outlook 2013 – Energy for community services <http://www.hedon.info/article2911> 

Published: Fri 08 of Mar., 2013 11:22 UTC


Development Finance Summer Academies 2013 <http://www.hedon.info/article2897> 

7 - 26 July 2013
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Global Geothermal Energy Summit <http://www.hedon.info/article2944> 

Wednesday 11 September 2013 - Thursday 12 September 2013 in Stuttgart, Germany

Climate Change and the Energy Challenge: Towards an Energy Efficient and Renewable-based System <http://www.hedon.info/article2933> 

Summer Academy 'Energy and the Environment' 2013 | September 15-21 | Brussels | Belgium

Organised by IKEM | the Institute for Climate protection, Energy and Mobility

Sustainable Energy Finance Summer Academy <http://www.hedon.info/article2924> 

Mombasa, Kenya
20 – 25 October 2013

World Clean Technology Summit <http://www.hedon.info/article2919> 

31st Oct - 2nd Nov 2013, Kampala, Uganda


IISD President and CEO Executive Search <http://www.hedon.info/article2830> 

End Date: Thu 25 of July, 2013

The International Institute for Sustainable Development is seeking to recruit its next President and Chief Executive Officer.

Doctoral scholarship - Valuation of Ecosystem Services in rural West Africa <http://www.hedon.info/article2948> 

End Date: Sun 11 of Aug., 2013

The Center for Development Research is an international, English-speaking research institute of the University of Bonn, Germany, which hosts the ZEF Doctoral Studies Program. For more information, please see www.zef.de.

Doctoral scholarship - Forestry based Carbon Markets in rural West Africa <http://www.hedon.info/article2949> 

End Date: Sun 11 of Aug., 2013

The Center for Development Research is an international, English-speaking research institute of the University of Bonn, Germany, which hosts the ZEF Doctoral Studies Program. For more information, please see www.zef.de.

Consultants for ‘Sustainable Energy for All Initiative’ (SE4ALL) Initiative <http://www.hedon.info/article2942> 

End Date: Sun 01 of Sep., 2013

We are looking for consultants to join our pool of experts in the framework of the ‘Sustainable Energy for All’ Initiative (SE4ALL). The European Commission supports the SE4ALL through a Technical Assistance Facility with a strong emphasis on Sub-Saharan Africa. The SE4ALL Technical Assistance Facility supports developing countries committed to reach the SE4All objectives through appropriate sector reforms and scaling up of investment in the energy sector.

Vacancy at Potential Energy <http://www.hedon.info/article2853> 

End Date: Thu 12 of Sep., 2013

Field Representative to be based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with occasional travel to Khartoum and/or Darfur, Sudan. This is a 6 month consultant position with the possibility of extension.

Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves calls for Regional Consultants <http://www.hedon.info/article2870> 

End Date: Wed 06 of Nov., 2013

The Regional Market Manager will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Alliance’s market development activities within the region, coordinating with Alliance partners and stakeholders to ensure the Alliance reaches its in-country and regional goals as part of its global vision of 100m households adopting clean cooking solutions by 2020.

Mechanical Engineer with Burn Manufacturing <http://www.hedon.info/article2930> 

End Date: Thu 08 of May, 2014

Seeking a mechanical engineer to serve as a full time Fabricator on Vashon Island, WA (outside Seattle)

Production Engineer with Burn Manufacturing <http://www.hedon.info/article2931> 

End Date: Thu 08 of May, 2014

The candidate will work from BURN’s Washington State offices for 2-4 months in advance of the Kenyan placement

Sales and Marketing Manager Wanted  <http://www.hedon.info/article2932> 

End Date: Thu 22 of May, 2014

Looking for an individual to drive sales for South Africa's most established Solar Cooker Company - SunFire Solutions based in Johannesburg

Senior Carbon Project Officer <http://www.hedon.info/article2941> 

End Date: Tue 24 of June, 2014

Senior Carbon Project Officer



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