[Stoves] Individual exposure to particulates

rbtvl at aol.com rbtvl at aol.com
Wed Jun 12 07:21:14 CDT 2013

Glad to see the increased interest in health on the stove list. It has always been a primary concern for us in the Maasai Stove and Solar project.  Our chimney stove and the fact that women never return to three stones, and our monitoring particulates and CO as well as family testimony show indoor pollution is way down.  24 hour home levels at a certain place near the stove are easy to measure.  But for health impact  we need 24 hour particulate exposure averages for individual people.  Kids go outside.  Kids are of different heights.  Sleep in different spaces. Etc.     We have inexpensive CO measuring devices that are easy to attach to the clothing of a child or the cooking woman of the house.  We hang one near the stove next to the Berkeley Air particulate monitor.  We then compare the CO readings:  the ones on the devices worn by the people and the one near the particulate monitor over 24 hours. We would like to use the ratio as a stand-in for the ratio of household particulate levels and individual exposures to particulates. I have some ideas about the strengths and weaknesses of this approach.  But rather than list them I would like to get comments, ideas, methods from you.  You can use the stove list or my personal email.  RBTVL at aol.com.   Thanks.  Bob Lange.   
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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