[Stoves] In praise of kerosene

Andrew C. Parker acparker at xmission.com
Thu May 16 17:24:54 CDT 2013


The term "denier" assumes existent truth or reality.  While you obviously  
feel strongly that there is a preponderance of evidence and a consensus of  
opinion in your argument, neither the evidence nor the opinion warrant  
labeling those who disagree with you as deniers.  It is the height of  
conceit to do so.

Invoking the term "denier" in a post-WWII context also carries a highly  
pejorative connotation, equating one as capable of denying the Holocaust,  
and in its more recent use, as being somehow mentally and/or morally  
deranged.  Using this term is insulting and has no place in a scientific  
discussion, or even a scientific argument.  It certainly has not place  
being used on this list.

I am not a denier of truth.  I am a skeptic, but I am not a climate  
skeptic.  The climate exists, it would be ludicrous for me to be skeptical  
of the climate.  I am not skeptical of climate change.  The climate  
changes all the time.  I am not skeptical of global warming.  The earth  
has been generally warming since the end of the Little Ice Age.  I am not  
skeptical that we humans impact the climate.  The earth has been  
profoundly changed by the smallest of organisms.  I am skeptical about  
models that predict a catastrophic future because of burning fossil  
fuels.  So, I don't mind if you call me a CAGW skeptic, but I will not  
accept you calling me, or anyone else who disagrees with you, a denier.

Andrew Parker

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