[Stoves] Fwd: :Re: Tlud Briquettes in Nicaragua CA

Richard Stanley rstanley at legacyfound.org
Sun Nov 10 10:07:03 CST 2013

 This is  where we are headed in a larger diameter form in Guatemala but in case it helps anyone ..
Richard Stanley
Antigua Guatemala

Begin forwarded message:

From: Paul Anderson <psanders at ilstu.edu>
Date: November 10, 2013 8:31:48 AM CST
To: Richard Stanley <rstanley at legacyfound.org>, Evan Marks <e.marks at creaf.uab.es>
Subject: Re: :Re: Tlud Briquettes in Nicaragua CA

Dear Evan and Richard,

Sorry for the late reply, but your message was sidetracked in my system.

I hope that all is going well for the project.   I see that Evan has about one week remaining in Nicaragua.

Please keep me posted about the progress.

Doc  /  Dr TLUD  /  Prof. Paul S. Anderson, PhD  
Email:  psanders at ilstu.edu   
Skype: paultlud      Phone: +1-309-452-7072
Website:  www.drtlud.com
On 10/20/2013 11:26 PM, Richard Stanley wrote:
> Evans,  (and Paul Anderson),
> You enquiry about   smaller  sized sausages briquettes  for your Tlud stove you are developing with the students in Nicaragua is something that would be very much of interest to what Paul Andersion is into in the stoves news group.  I can probably assume you are already in ongoing contact with each other but I am l ccy'ng  this to Paul just in case. Below are two or three approaches we are proposing to Paul fo his produciton fo same fuel, for his Tlud stoves  in response to his initial request for same. At the base mold change -only level they are geared o use with a hand operated lever press many types out online and in the field already.. We are also proposing that for larger scale production you consider the design below which should easily be capable of 25 - 30 sausages a minute with two or three operators. 
>  I hope thatif yo consider or rather convince the students to consider developing these you and they will keep us in the loop as there are many who would like to have access to such technologies and the students and faculty cold foma  training agenda for such  and or sell the technology product to further fund their own activities . We will be only too happy to see that happen as it gives us a resource to link to for the many enquiries we receive from the region.
> And the mass production press:
> -Evan Marks
> 2013/10/17 Richard Stanley <rstanley at legacyfound.org>
> Evans, 
> Thanks much for your interest in us ! Please, first send me some design sketches or photos of the stove you are developing. Briquettes are quite varied in shape, composition and burn profile but there are still some stoves in which they work better than  others. We can think about varying these factors to best fit your stove  if it any or all of the following works out. 
> We will be in Nicaragua from the 20th November through the 17th December, based in Granada.   Although you do not have funds for our fees, we would be willing to forego  those in the interest  of gaining insights and exposure to the  Nicaraguan  landscape for briquette potential-– a "landscape" of which we have practically no knowledge. Perhaps however, you could just arrange lodging and travel to Esteli for the conference you are proposing.
> We are finishing a year long training and technology development exercise in Guatemala (though National Geographic) and will be looking into possibilities for the Guatemalan trainers to come down and train others in the art and craft of briquette-making there in Nicaragua. In doing that as we did in Guatemala and before, we try to position our efforts where there is-or will be a real economically justified need for the briquette fuel poduced locally for the producers own local market(s).  It all hinges on the fact that the producers will have a viable market for their briquette product. Once that is in place, all the socal and anvironmental benefits accrue, but only as long as the briquette is being produced and sold. If it is not going to b an econmically viale proposition for the local producer, we generally will not undertake the project, as we do not have the funds to support the process beyond initial training and follow up. 
> This rather" tough love" approach assures a certain solidity of the producer network once established but it also  ensures a drop out rate of 30 to 40% due, often, to well entrenched expectations of sustained  donor support; AKA the 'donor dependency syndrome'. 
> In that vein, and as concersn a conference, while we welcome discussions with faculty and students about the theory, technology choices, training approach and impacts of the briquette embedding program, we'd like to  try for a greater--and self sustaining-- impact  than just that of a conference alone: 
> Let me propose to you that we plan it so that the results of our combined discussions and learning at the proposed conference, be directed in such a way as to assure direct beneficial and measurable impact in the local community where there is economic justification for the briquette and presumably the stove you are developing.   If he briquette is found by pre assessment, to be economically non-viable in the immediate locale of the conference, we would need to see where else  it could work and further, how the conference participants would be linked to that community to assess, plan, train and track the community's experience with the briquete technology.
>  If, as a result of the conference, two or three student teams  (hopefully aided by trainers from Guatemala) can proceed to go out and start new production activities, the conference can be  economically rationalised and inter-alia, the sustained socal and environmental benefits, can be logically projected. Equipped with this kind of approach and data, I feel that we could provide  much more pleasent music to any donor or sponsoring organisation than just seeking funding a conference, per se.  
> But my apologies: In retrosepct I have gotten far  ahead of myself.  First, do you think that your organisation or the University will be able to cover our travel from Granada and lodging for the ?? two --three days of said conference ?  If not we can still arrange to meet you in Granada, to at least exchange views and interests and areas of  future cooperation.  
> We will be retaining this email contact (above)  as we proceed through work in Guatemala and Nicaragua, so that we can stay in touch as our prospective meetup occurs. 
> Ok I await your thoughts and thanks again for considering us in your own work. 
> Kind regards,
> Richard Stanley
> www.legacyfound.org
> Ashland Oregon
> On Oct 16, 2013, at 4:26 PM, Evan Marks wrote:
> Dear Richard, 
> I saw your message regarding your interest in potential collaborators in Nicaragua on the Stoves listserv some time ago. We are aware of the Legacy Foundation's work and find it very interesting, though we have little theoretical and no practical experience with the subject. We (myself and one other person) will be in Estelí, Nicaragua for a number of months beginning in Nov. to carry out a collaborative stove design project with the university extension there. Given your inviting message, we thought it would be opportune to introduce ourselves. 
> Additionally, we wanted to propose the possibility of working with you to plan a workshop within the context of the university. Let us know if this activity would interest you and your colleagues. I know from your website that at times the Foundation charges for such activities, though I will tell you in advance that unfortunately we don't have any funds available for this, but we would be very delighted if this was something you were willing to participate in on a volunteer basis. 
> Whether or not the above will be possible, we do hope to meet you in Nicaragua, we have lots of questions! Do you know yet where you will be based for the winter? Do you already have experiences in Nicaragua? Do you have a sense of what are the most promising briquettemaking feedstocks in the region? 
> Look forward to your reply, yours truly,
> -- 
> Evan Marks, Ph.D.
> Grup de Protecció i Restauració de Sols
> Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals
> Edifici C, Campus de la UAB
> 08193, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)
> Spain
> Tel (+34) 93 581 4850
> e.marks[at]creaf.uab.es
> www.creaf.uab.es
> -- 
> Evan Marks
> Grup de Protecció i Restauració de Sols
> Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals
> Edifici C, Campus de la UAB
> 08193, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)
> Spain
> Tel (+34) 93 581 4850
> e.marks[at]creaf.uab.es
> www.creaf.uab.es

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