[Stoves] NE Biochar takes the C-cake

Ronal W. Larson rongretlarson at comcast.net
Fri Oct 4 13:50:47 CDT 2013


  Again, Thanks.

  I am still hoping to see how the percentage numbers you have given below are driven by prices.  Given my druthers, I'd probably prefer LPG over wood, but (guessing) not if the annual cost was doubled, and half my annual budget was for cooking fuel.

   My assumption is that almost everyone worries about cost - less so as you become wealthier. Just trying to figure that relationship out.  Will your and Cecil's study be giving costs?


On Oct 4, 2013, at 11:25 AM, "Crispin Pemberton-Pigott" <crispinpigott at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Ron
>> Anything more on wood prices in town would be helpful.  And for anything
> in large quantities.
>> Any data on the main cooking fuels if not char?  Propane, electricity,
> etc.  Much wood?
> The study just finished is being compiled. Early indications are that a
> rough split of 40% cooking primarily with wood, 40% cooking primarily with
> (subsidised) LPG, 20% with kerosene and electricity.
> Of the 40% using LPG, 70% are using wood to heat water.
> Of the 40% using wood, over 70% are using LPG to some extent, even in places
> quite far from a supply.
> It means about 70 of the whole population is using wood for heating water,
> with a smaller fraction using it more and more as income decreases. 
> Cecil says kitchens are becoming divided into a clean portion with wood and
> dirty pots, and a clean side with LPG and clean pots. There is an
> opportunity in the market for water-heating-only devices which are highly
> suited to TLUD powering because the task is fixed and predictable, plus it
> operates at full power all the time. Think of it as a biomass-powered
> kettle.
> Regards
> Crispin
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