[Stoves] [biochar] "Maker Movement"

Art Donnelly art.donnelly at seachar.org
Wed Jan 15 21:48:08 CST 2014

Bravo! The maker movement has potential for "disruptive innovation".  See
the Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disruptive_innovation
It is the progeny of our community tool libraries and cooperative art and
craft spaces. In our society sharing was a disruptive innovation 40 years

"The term "*disruptive technology*" has been widely used as a synonym of
"disruptive innovation", but the latter is now preferred, because market
disruption has been found to be a function usually not of technology itself
but rather of its changing application."

My last metal studio space was a sublet in a "maker space" in Seattle.
Seattle is a hot-spot  for the maker movement and I benefited a lot from
that experience. I think the evolution of the Estufa Finca biochar stove
did as well. I will be in Seattle for a few days before the ETHOS
conference, I plan to share a new prototype stove at the conference. I will
be fine tuning it at the Ballard Maker Space next week. So, I can not 3-D
print a stove...yet, but now I can realistically dream about doing it and
that is the important 1st step in making it happen.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 3:22 PM, Ronal W. Larson
<rongretlarson at comcast.net>wrote:

> Lists:
>    On a different list, there has been mention of the  “maker movement”!
>  I have a vague understanding, as I saw a bit (first year this year) at
> grand-daughter’s high school  (3-d printing for instance).  I can see lots
> of potential in the stoves and biochar areas.  Anyone utilizing this new
> very low cost resource to develop products?
>     A video on this brand new (claimed to be very disruptive) activity is
> at:  http://fora.tv/2013/09/22/the_maker_movement_manifesto
> Ron
>  __._,_.___
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Art Donnelly
President SeaChar.Org
US Director, The Farm Stove Project
Proyecto Estufa Finca
"SeaChar.Org...positive tools for carbon negative living"
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