[Stoves] Stoves Digest, Vol 53, Issue 23

LanceLedet at aol.com LanceLedet at aol.com
Wed Jan 28 14:18:59 CST 2015

In a message dated 1/28/2015 11:16:54 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
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Today's Topics:

1. compiled a video  on the new "mobile adam-retort" for improved
char  making (scda2 at t-online.de)
2. Reports from ETHOS meetings: the  future of TLUD research
(Julien  Winter)


Message:  1
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 00:23:28 +0100
From: "scda2 at t-online.de"  <scda2 at t-online.de>
To: stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org
Subject:  [Stoves] compiled a video on the new "mobile adam-retort" for
improved char making
Message-ID:  <1YGFTk-0enYtk0 at fwd25.aul.t-online.de>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="UTF-8"


Dear  All
finally i compiled a video on the new "mobile adam-retort" for a more  
environmentally friendly charcoal making.
The unit is based on 2 oil drums  and we have a volume  for biomass to be 
carbonized of about 430  litres.
Most of the smoke is burnt,
Efficiency is high  ~30%
If  anybody wants to take up manufacturing these units -. welcome

Dr. Chris  ADAM
scda2 at ymail.com


Message:  2
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 12:45:15 -0500
From: Julien Winter  <winter.julien at gmail.com>
To: Discussion of biomass cooking  stoves
<stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org>
Subject:  [Stoves] Reports from ETHOS meetings: the future of TLUD
<CALv4xTwNAT8X1DVGKcEoFks=fG+Qe-GCvXGjKM3HUWk6pPvWAA at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type:  text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I was at ETHOS this year presenting some of  my basic investigations of TLUD
function, and I will circulate a copy of my  presentation shortly.  Kirk
Harris presented his fascinating burner  design.

For me, one of the most interesting things at ETHOS was not  what was
presented, but what is coming.  The Colorado State University  has received
a very large grant from the US Department of Energy to improve  our
scientific understanding of natural draft TLUDs.  This year at  ETHOS, they
didn't present any results, but they described the laboratory  equipment
that they have assembled.  They will be able to measure the  flow rates of
primary and secondary air, fuel bed and gas flame  temperatures, gas flame
structure, the composition of the pyrogas as it  exists the fuel bed, and
exhaust gas and particulate emissions.  They  are able to test a variety of
gas burners to increase clean-burning --- the  most pressing issue today.
Knowledge gained on pyrolysis, combustion, and  gas flows will be
systematized into computer simulation models.

This  work is much needed.  Since the early 1980s, forced draft systems  
been extensively studied, however, except for a couple of recent  papers,
natural draft systems, have not been studied at all.  Research  on forced
draft has provided us with some very important information, but  it doesn't
extrapolate sufficiently well to natural draft systems.   Natural draft
systems different from forced draft systems, in three  basic ways: (1) they
operate at lower gas velocities, near atmospheric  pressure, (2) operational
temperatures cover a lower range, and (3) and  their processes, are
interconnected through feed-back mechanisms.  We  have to understand how
these feedbacks work for designing ND-TLUD  stoves.  For example, how does
the size and shape of the pyrogas flame  affect draft for primary air -->
gasification rate --> size and shape  of the pyrogas flame --> ...

It will be interesting to see what the  workers at Colorado State University
come up with.  I expect they will  be able to tell us what the control or
limiting points are in the TLUD  reaction, such as resistance to gas flow in
the fuel bed, or heat  production at the pyrolytic front.  They should be
able to tell us how  the thickness and temperature of the char layer above
the pyrolytic front  changes the composition of pyrogas rising through it.
They should be able  to tell us how the composition of pyrogas changes over
a turndown  curve.   Most importantly, I hope they will provide  guidelines
for designing burners, reasons for why one thing works and not  another, and
a computer program to simulate design decisions.

The  results from the Colorado State University lab can't come too  soon.



Julien Winter
Cobourg, ON, CANADA
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