[Stoves] Coal comments.

Paul Anderson psanders at ilstu.edu
Fri Oct 7 16:56:42 CDT 2016


Interesting about that coal.  You say:
> The dark stuff is nearly burned out coke and the white material is 
> fully burned out stone
When the carbon is burned out, is the stove porous?  Heavier than 
pumice?  Useful as low density inert material?


Doc  /  Dr TLUD  /  Prof. Paul S. Anderson, PhD
Email:  psanders at ilstu.edu
Skype:   paultlud    Phone: +1-309-452-7072
Website:  www.drtlud.com

On 10/6/2016 11:03 PM, Crispin Pemberton-Pigott wrote:
>     Dear Nikhil
>     “Crispin: Is it any surprise that the mine doesn't wash or grade a
>     high energy, high-vol coal for small retail sales? What incentive
>     would you consider for it to do so?”
>     Good question. I asked and found that they used to do both when it
>     was part of the Soviet Union.
>     I think they either lost the equipment (breakdown) or it cost
>     something to run and the customers had no say about it. The main
>     issue is there is so much stone in the product it greatly
>     interferes with certain combustors types.
>     Here is what I pulled out of a TJ Model 1 with a grate modified
>     for coal burning:
>     The dark stuff is nearly burned out coke and the white material is
>     fully burned out stones.
>     A great deal of what remains inside is stony. I suspect there are
>     places in the mine with a far high grade and a lot less stone
>     content, but this is the junk the really poor people burn.
>     It happens to be high grade – the part that actually burns and the
>     energy content is impressive – double that of the Nalaikh coal in
>     Ulaanbaatar. So people say it burns for a long time and I agree.
>     This stuff was a complete failure in a TLUD. I will try again with
>     small chips and run it as a packed bed gasifier in case that
>     works, but not in the 20-40mm size. No chance.
>     If they washed it (which involves floating it on a dense liquid)
>     it would remove the bits that ae just ‘stones’ but it would change
>     the price because they would have to keep all the junk they sell now.
>     The fact is there are different quality products in the market and
>     they have different prices. Basically you get what you pay for but
>     the imported Kyrgyz coal is a far better buy in terms of cost per
>     MJ.  It turns out the Kyrgyz coal has no national market in that
>     country because it is so far through the mountains they can’t get
>     it out to the north – so it is sold across the border to the south.
>     Sizing is a different matter – anyone with a shovel and screen can
>     do that and they are willing to sort it at the retail point.
>     Here is a typical operation:
>     They sell an 80mm, 40mm and a 12mm. The duff is sold to the power
>     station for about 1.3 cents per kg.
>     The quality of what is in the picture is quite good. The bad stuff
>     is from Aini Mine. (‘Aye-knee’ Mine)/
>     Regards
>     Crispin
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