[Stoves] Hi tech cow dung technology (Anil Rajvanshi)

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at outlook.com
Sun Sep 4 11:27:33 CDT 2016

‎Dear Rolf

This cannot stand unchallenged!

The combustion of dung depends entirely on the local combustion conditions. I have been a bit lax in spreading the news about six new stoves designed for rural Tajikistan so it might as well be now.

Please see my website www.newdawnengineering.com and on the front page there is a Library. In there you will find /Stoves, /Tajikistan, /Models 1 and /2.

They are very simple and inexpensive. They work really well burning biomass, including dung. If dung is to be used alone, the optional wedge grate must be slid into place. It is not absolutely required for wood alone. This is similar to the wedge grate that was linked yesterday that is recommended for the Indian Chula. The principal function is to burn the char.

Because the Tajiks operate their stoves at quite high power I wasn't totally pleased with the combustion efficiency, in part undermined by the very simple nature of the combustion chamber, but there is no doubt it is a huge improvement on the average dung burners. It has considerable finger tip control over the firepower. It can 'cook properly' without the addition of other fuel like cotton stalks or wood - the current co-firing practise said to be 'necessary'. That is only because they never saw a stove that was made to burn dung, I think.

You can all see the latest from Central Asia. I will be putting up a couple of new versions of the GTZ 7.6 which is the TJ4 and now the KG4. These versions are slightly different but not functionally.

Last night we ran the KG4 loaded with 11 litres of hard coal and it burned for 15-1/2 hours untouched. The fire was revived in seconds NY adding a kg and shaking the grate twice. It didn't make any smoke at all during the entire burn. Utterly clean. It is a crossdraft gasifier.

Tossing some dung into the KG4 would make no difference at all. It is smokeless after 7 minutes from ignition, thereafter.

For TLUD fans we have the TJ3 reproduced here as a KG3 with a 15 litre fuel capacity. It has been run with a bituminous coal, a low volatiles coal, sawdust with a central hole and garbage including bits of car tire, plastic bottles and drink cans. That is what people do when you are not looking.

It ran for about 10 hours on a fuel load without being touched. The wood used for ignition smokes for a while, maybe five minutes, then it goes clear for the rest of the burn. I expect both of these stoves to test PM negative per delivered MJ, including ignition.

We are going to try mixing 40mm chunks of car tires in the fuel to see if it can pyrolyse it, catching up with Alex's ‎success. Maybe 10% by volume.

This week we'll try to make a low pressure boiler version ‎of the KG4.

Note to those looking at the TJ stoves, the Model 1 has no heat exchanger and is designed to cook and feed heat into a significant length of chimney or a brick heating wall. The Model 2 has a heat exchanger extracting 70% leaving 30% for the chimney pipe heat loss and running the draft.

They are both available with and without the cooking hole.

I expect the dung burners to be very popular in the high regions which rely on dung and agricultural waste.  They use significantly less than the current models which pleases the agriculture guys no end. As pointed out below, they want the fertiliser.

BTW the main complaint about 'improved stoves' they have been offered so far is they don't hold enough fuel to be useful. My complaint about them is they are not nearly air-tight enough to burn properly. The TJ1+2 address these issues.

Best regards
Crispin burning everything I can find :)

Very true Anand, but kcals are not the whole story. Don't forget that biogas burns much more efficiently than dried dung, produces much less noxious smoke and one retains all the fertilizer for growing more. There are many Cs saved!
B.R. from Rolf suffering from 42 C in Spain

Von Samsung-Tablet gesendetAnand Karve <adkarve at gmail.com> hat geschrieben:Dear Nikhil,
producing biogas from dung is a very wasteful process. 1 kg (dry weight) of dung, which would yield 4000 kcal energy if burned,  yields only about 200 kcal energy, if converted into biogas. In the city where I live, cowdung cakes are used in certain religious rites. They are sold at a lucrative price of about 9 USCents per piece. That would be a very attractive business for a Dutch dairy farmer, but drying the dung would be problematic in a country like holland.

Dr. A.D. Karve

Chairman, Samuchit Enviro Tech Pvt Ltd (www.samuchit.com)

Trustee & Founder President, Appropriate Rural Technology Institute (ARTI)

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 10:27 PM, Traveller <miata98 at gmail.com> wrote:

Are you suggesting the USEPA folks should set emission targets for manure management?

I think they already do in the US. Now all we need is for GACC to claim biogas as such superior clean cooking technology - Kirk Smith argued that in 2000 and I fully agree, just that there is too much open defecation by man and animal -  that ISO must have lab testing at various scales.

Heck, I will even write the testing protocol and specify a standardized bull, a standardized meal, standardized poop, ... They have the rest - standardized water, standardized meals, standardized cooks. Just unstandardized dose-response claptrap.

Cow poop is ok, it is the Anthropocene bull manure that only a select few can digest, anaerobically of course.

"a small clay pisspot is a cutting-edge technology"?

Yeah, for the New Age nuevau riche of the New york times.

I once worked on a GHG offset project to both change cattle diet and to reduce methane emissions. If I remember correctly, open cow manure in hot areas dries up quickly and does not emit that much methane.

But those who want to cook up numbers and careers, research papers and propaganda, will stop at no BS.

Seriously, the main point here is that biomass is not a climate-friendly technology at all. Taken all the emissions from the production to consumption of foods - including those due to cutting forests, open burning of grass and leaves, forest fires - and valued in 20-year GWP terms, the contribution to atmospheric concentrations is much greater than that, say, from power generation.

Go read Nadine Unger.

Or Nick Stern, who I believe has gone veg. (I also hope he gave up sugar.)

Then again, there was some paper a few years ago claiming beef is a superior food because its carbon footprint can be quite low.

I prefer to be a horse. But I am fond of BS; academia and media give me such earthy fragrances all the time.


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2016 10:41:04 +0530
From: nari phaltan <nariphaltan at gmail.com>
To: Discussion of biomass cooking stoves
        <stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org>
Subject: [Stoves] Hi tech cow dung technology
        <CAGeG2tDBzt_RDONrSmo+u-WTpcS9DsFSXUiDOa28cj1npWO5Jw at mail.gmail.com>
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Hello stovers,

You might enjoy reading this article in NY Times.


Anil K rajvanshi

Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
Tambmal, Phaltan-Lonand Road
P.O.Box 44
Phaltan-415523, Maharashtra, India
e-mail:nariphaltan at gmail.com
           nariphaltan at nariphaltan.org



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