[Stoves] Understanding TLUDs, MPF and more. (was Re: Bangladesh TLUD )

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott crispinpigott at outlook.com
Tue Dec 12 20:26:52 CST 2017

Dear Andrew

You are correct: the gasifier that burns charcoal with a descending "fire front" (is that OK with you?) is a TLUD gasifier, not a TLUD pyrolyser.

I object to the attempts to assign a principle of operation, a lighting position, and a burn direction, to one particular implementation of it. Top lit refers to something lit on top. Updraft refers to the direction of air flow.

It is inappropriate for promoters of TLUD pyrolysers to claim that the term does not/cannot be applied to other devices that are top lit updraft combustors.

We need another term for the moving fire front (if you will) that is descending through the fuel in a downwards migrating direction.

There is a rule on the internet that once a conversation has descended to the point that one party calls another a Nazi it is time to stop.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stoves [mailto:stoves-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org] On Behalf Of Andrew Heggie
Sent: 13-Dec-17 02:56
To: Discussion of biomass cooking stoves <stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org>
Subject: Re: [Stoves] Understanding TLUDs, MPF and more. (was Re: Bangladesh TLUD )

On Tue, 12 Dec 2017 02:29:42 +0000,Crispin Pemberton-Pigott <crispinpigott at outlook.com<mailto:crispinpigott at outlook.com>> wrote:

>Dear Gordon


>The MPF in an Adams Report is seen when using small biomass, just as in a TLUD small-fuel pyrolyser. It is also seen in gasifiers that does not make char. The YDD charcoal gasifier (used to run engines) has an MPF and it burns pure charcoal. As Andrew says, it is a natural phenomenon, not something unique to TLUD's (or BLDD's) nor to char-makers.

That wilful misinterpretation of my post is another example of your spin.

We often see common words used in combinations that come to have a meaning understood by all. Americans have some simple examples, side and walk when combined become understood by everyone to mean a footway at the side of a highway. The german language accepts portmanteau words, an obvious one that springs to mind is combining National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei which we english speakers know as the national socialist party and wouldn't use that term to describe anything else. More recently we have seen and old phenomenom mentioned by John Evelyn in his 1662 book for making char in the open described as flame curtain, we have come to accept this term for the process because it is descriptive.

As I said there are many processes where a front moves steadily through a medium but the term migrating pyrolysis front has come to be understood as describing the TLUD process even if I prefer descending pyrolysis front.



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