[Stoves] Fwd: Support Potential Energy (my organization) this Giving Tuesday!

Samer Abdelnour samer.abdelnour at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 17:11:27 CST 2017

Dear all. In response to the advertisement below:

In contexts of violence refugee camps are almost never safe, to promote camps as safe is irresponsible and simple untrue. Moreover, there is no substantive evidence to support the claim that stoves reduce sexual violence, even though women may risk attack when collecting fuel. Potential Energy has a responsibility to substantiate these claims with evidence, namely that there is no sexual violence in the camps in which they operate and that their interventions actually reduce attacks, else they should discontinue such claims. 


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> From: Jessica De Clerck <jessica at potentialenergy.org>
> Date: 24 November 2017 at 23:39:48 GMT+1
> To: <abdelnour at rsm.nl>
> Subject: Support Potential Energy (my organization) this Giving Tuesday!
> Reply-To: Jessica De Clerck <jessica at potentialenergy.org>
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> Collecting firewood in Darfur
> Join Us in a Movement of Giving Back!
> Did you know that women and children collecting firewood beyond the safety of refugee camps are often subject to sexual violence?
> You can help stop this!
> In the midst of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping sprees, #GivingTuesday is dedicated to something different: Giving back.
> Our goal is to raise $2K before the day ends. And we're starting NOW!
> Donate
> With $2k we can help 200 women access an efficient cookstove.  These stoves reduce the amount of wood needed for cooking by half, so that women can remain more often in the safety of the camps. Additionally, the stoves emit 60% less smoke, helping to prevent respiratory disease and premature death.
> Potential Energy has already reached 48,500 women in Darfur, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India and Uganda. Help us reach more.
> Watch this video, or visit our website to learn more.
> Join us in a movement to act, protect, and love this holiday season. Give a life-changing gift today!
> Happy giving!
> Jessica De Clerck
> Managing Director, Potential Energy
> Thank you!
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