[Stoves] Delhi clean cooking forum meeting

Dr. Dieter Seifert doseifert at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 30 23:59:28 CDT 2017

Dear Anil,

Was the completely clean "cooking with retained heat" discussed at the 
clean cooking forum? It avoids health damage, costs, emissions, and it 
may save 50% fuel consumption because it replaces a large part of the 
active cooking process. Information can be found on the SCl website: 

Best wishes

Am 30.10.2017 um 07:13 schrieb nari phaltan:
> Hi,
> I just came back after attending the clean cooking forum meeting. I am 
> writing detailed articles on my observations and suggestions and hope 
> these articles will be syndicated. Here are my cursory impressions.
> 1. The data on daily deaths from indoor pollution is suspect. It will 
> always be since it is impossible to pinpoint one cause when there are 
> millions of causes for death. So the issues raised by Nikhil are valid.
> 2. However this scarce has raised the level of engagement of rich and 
> famous people - people who would not have thought at all about how 
> poor people live. This might have an effect of raising funds and 
> putting people to focus on rural poverty.
> 3. Also this also has a danger of raising brain-haired schemes like 
> electric induction cooking for rural poor. The poor households have 
> never seen electricity and now they will supposedly get electricity 
> for cooking!
> 4. The LPG program of GOI is in full swing. This gives mileage and 
> brownie points to the present administration despite the fact that 90% 
> LPG in India is imported (50% imported and 40% produced from imported 
> oil). There are serious problems on the ground (both logistics and 
> otherwise) but it looks good to brag in international forums.
> 5. The registration cost of US $ 300/- was steep and I have no idea 
> where it was used. Except we got sumptuous meals (most of the food was 
> also wasted) and a big Bollywood tamasha on the gala dinner eve. I do 
> hope the excess food (there were innumerable meat dishes) was given to 
> rural poor and at least on those days the Delhi air might have gotten 
> less pollution from indoor cooking!
> 6. The Delhi air was polluted and the visibility was 50-100 meters. 
> Kirk Smith told me that it is due to indoor air-pollution and not due 
> to vehicular pollution - really taxing the credibility of the data and 
> the man!
> 7. I think this jamboree (600 delegates from 50 countries) only 
> resulted in deals and invitations to more conferences.
> Cheers.
> Anil
> Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
> Tambmal, Phaltan-Lonand Road
> P.O.Box 44
> Phaltan-415523, Maharashtra, India
> Ph:+91-9168937964
> e-mail:nariphaltan at gmail.com <mailto:e-mail%3Anariphaltan at gmail.com>
> nariphaltan at nariphaltan.org <mailto:nariphaltan at nariphaltan.org>
> http://www.nariphaltan.org
> http://nariphaltan.org/about-2/awards/ Awards for NARI staff
> http://nariphaltan.org/nari-in-press/ NARI in press
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